Today is your lucky day, because we just received a huge selection of AIR SHIPPED IPAs from Other Half.
DDH Mylar Bags, Mash Tun Time Machine, just to name a few. While all of their IPAs will make your mouth water and fly off your shelves, one that you won’t want to miss out on is:

The Ballad of Young Grade
Imp. IPA / 8%ABV / Collab with @burialbeer
Young Grade, a place so magical it will go down in hop selection lore. Solo cups of wine, taco trucks for every meal, sleeping on couches and early AM’s in the gazebo. And don’t forget trips in the Elevette and an occasional slide into the pool. Other Half teamed up with their seemingly eternal hop selection pals @burialbeer to make a hop selection inspired DIPA with Strata hops they picked together, El Dorado and Cashmere.
AF BREW – Our old friends from Russia are back! Sending us a shipment of fresh IPAs, fruity sours and (of course) big heavy imperial stouts! Kick winter off right with this crazy beer from the east.
AF Brew – Big Black Mash
Butterscotch Imp Stout – 10%ABV
Beers available in KEG AND CASE